Runciter company offers the services of blocking the telepaths. When owner, Glen Runciter, is killed in bomb explosion his right-hand-man has to find who did it.
Maxim Kammerer, head of the ConCom-2 department investigating Unexplained Events, begins to suspect that the recent incidents are somehow connected, but it will take all his skills to find the link between them.
When people are forced to colonize other planets the illegal drug Can-D is their only escape from the grim and depressing reality. New drug that was introduced is giving the chance to jump to a different reality.
Eighty years after alien race from Proxima Centauri have saved the Earth from invasion of Elgomaya race, the alien forces are still stationed on our planet with the silent acceptance of human kind. But there are things about ...
Six zones on Earth contain mysterious and valuable artifacts, but to get to them the stalkers have to face the deadly anomalies.
Years after convoys of spaceships have left Earth to colonize planet Xi two strange messages arrive and it seems that rescue mission will have to take place.
While his wife and son are on vacation astrophysicist Dmitry Malyanov is trying to work on his thesis, but chain of unusual events leads him to belief that someone is trying to stop him from finishing his work.
Since Donald Trump became President Donald Trump there is one question that riddles the greatest minds of our era. Actually there are several questions, like: "how?", "why?", "what his hair are made of?", but there is one that stands out of all those questions. What to do when Trump hits the fan and we all wake up in the post-apocalyptic reality?
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