After weird electrical storm five teens taking part in community service discover they have gained sort of superpowers, although they have no idea how or why. The first thing they do is... actually a murder.
Sam Porter, author of fantasy novels, find himself trapped in a world quite similar to the one he wrote about in his books, but the problem is for him to return to his own reality he would have to help few people in their quest.
Milford and Parker, two soft furnishings factory workers, lost their job, but while they were clearing out their lockers they have found a parallel world behind one of them.
Group of colonists from Earth arrive to planet XB1174, where they are bound to establish a colony, but not everything went exactly according to plan, so now they face problems they did not expected.
Five friends plan to fulfill their teenage dream of finishing the "golden mile" - drinking a pint of lager in each of the 12 pubs in their hometown. But the hometown have somehow changed...
Clumsy young cooper leaves his father?s workshop and tries his luck in the town that is under constant threat from a dragon.
Time Safari is the first company that offers its clients the chance to hunt the real dinosaurs - using the time machine they move back in time to prehistoric times and have the chance to see the past. But the progress is connected with dangers.
UNESCO scientists find six children from different countries that seem to have the supernatural powers - not only they have superior intelligence, but also telepathy and the ability to influence other people. The governments ...
What to do in case of alien invasion? The residents of small village Cresdon Green in Buckinghamshire made a bold decision to do... absolutely nothing.
Two British comic fans accidentally discover the real alien while driwing along Area 51.
Commuter train leaves the Sheffield and soon is crashed under collapsing tunnel. The survivors of the crash realize that decades passed between the crash and the moment they have left the train. One of the passengers knows ho...
Modern adaptation of classic Amiga game - survive in the spaceship taken over by alien species that prefer not to discuss their anger issues.
When new planet is detected on the orbit of Earth, but on the other side of the Sun, the mission is sent to gather more infomations about the object.
The crew of an oil rig in the North Sea faces a unexpected thread from sudden fog followed by a shower of some unknown ash-like material. But the real danger hides beneath.
Second game from X-COM series, 40 years after the first invasion of the aliens second wave have begun, this time using the submerged crafts. X-COM has to take care of that new threat to the human kind.
Six years after alien lifeforms have infected most of Mexico cynical reporter has to escort his bosses daughter through the closed zone to reach United States.
Wasteland and Fallout games created a fascinating world full of mysteries and colourful characters with some small loopholes, some big loopholes and some gigantic loopholes. Here are the 7 things about Wasteland that makes no sense.
Magical 5 characters
You’ve been watching for years, but never realized it
Post-apocalyptic survival for dummies