Categories: totalitarian statesuperheroes science fictionalternate reality2000s sci-fi
Running time: 127 minutes
Language: English
In year 2027 the whole world seems to be on a verge of disaster - in United States new civil war has torn the country apart, in Europe St. Mary?s Virus have attacked, while in United Kingdom a Norsefire Party took over the power. Their leader, High Chancellor Adam Sutler, uses the whole arsenal of fascist methods to rules the country - from mind-washing propaganda to secret police and sending unwanted people into concentration camps, where they mysteriously disappear. In this reality young woman Evey Hammond, employee of the government propaganda TV station, is attacked on the street just after the curfew. The attackers are members of the secret police, Fingermen, but in last moment Evey is saved by a man wearing Guy Fawkes mask, who identifies himself as V. He takes Evey to the roof of one of the buildings so she can observe what he prepared for this special night, the Guy Fawkes Night. To the Tchaikovsky?s 1812 Overture he prepared the fireworks display with grand finale - blowing up the Old Bailey courthouse. Next day the government propaganda claims that the explosion of Old Bailey was just planned demolition that when a little too far. But soon after the TV station is taken over by V, who live on air claims that in exactly one year, on the Guy Fawkes Night, he will blow up the Parliament.
Sci-fi movie based on the graphic novel by Alan Moore and David Lloyd that was the criticism of Thatcher era in Great Britain. The movie version was pushed into future and was adapted to fit with more modern audience, which meant toning down some of the elements. Overall message was kept close to original concept, but at the same time the rebel elements are more philosophical. Nevertheless V for Vendetta made a huge impact on viewers and building the modern times concept of fight against the system (like the Anonymous hackers using Guy Fawkes masks). Film itself was made with enough skill to stick into one?s mind.
Our rating
8.4 / 10
Overall rating
9 / 10
Reality complexity
4 / 5
4 / 5
Story complexity
4 / 5
V for Vendetta |
James Purefoy James Purefoy played V during first few weeks of filming, but later resigned, supposedly because he would have to play the whole thing wearing mask (thus no one would know it is him). Some of the scenes with Purefoy were used in the film, while Hugo Weaving gave his voice to V in the post-production. |
Evey Hammond: Who are you? Dominic: What do you think will happen? |
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