Collapse of human kind is inevitable due to food shortages. Scientists try to make use of wormhole leading to another universe and find suitable new planet.
Seventeen people aboard a small bus travel through Hong Kong. Soon they find themselves to be the only survivors in whole city - all the other people simply disappeared.
When alien lifeform invades whole Europe the forces gathered in Britain has to retake the land. Major Cage seems dies during the operation, but later wakes up before he was sent to fight.
Young man wakes up in small land surrounded by huge stone walls. He can?t recall who he is, where he is or who are the people around him.
Through unfortunate chain of events you are trapped in reality, in which the robots are hunting people. Well, not exactly people, you to be exact.
Another adaptation of classic first-person shooter - this time in advanced version we are put in year 1946, when Nazi Germany have taken over most of the Europe.
Two every day stories - a family on a road trip and a cop arresting two brothers - that suddenly get stuck in a limbo after a mysterious incident.
When people begin to disappear without a trace, even on board of an airplane, people try to find the answer to what is going on and they find it in God.
After Comet 23 struck the Earth and brought ice age to the planet only small clans of people survived in the Rocky Mountains. They fight for the limited supplies there are, but one day they find something unusual under the snow.
There are areas on Earth where things happen that are escaping any logical explanation - tiny little crystals that are able to give energy to start the car, gravity traps that can kill or mutilate human being within second, unexplained phenomena inviting and dangerous at the same time.
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